‘Celebrate Two Years of Digital Democracy! ‘

author: Arielle Darr
date: 2010-12-17 18:13:13+00:00
slug: celebrate-two-years-of-digital-democracy
title: ‘Celebrate Two Years of Digital Democracy! ‘
wordpress_id: 2572

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    image: /assets/(2010/12/Dd-2nd-B-day-Blog-Post2-300×199.jpg)

Join us this Monday night at New Work City’s SoHo space for Digital Democracy’s 2nd birthday bash!


There will be stickers, games, music and free drinks until 9 (discounted bar afterward), so get #stuckonDd, and show your support. All proceeds go towards Digital Democracy and our work empowering at-risk communities with innovative technologies.

BUY YOUR TICKETS TODAY: [http://digidemparty.eventbrite.com/**](http://digidemparty.eventbrite.com/)**

If you can’t join us for the festivities and all the surprises the party promises, we truly appreciate your supportive donations.

We hope to see you there!